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  1. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    Cleared the Supreme Commander 2 campaign on Hard difficulty. Now I have only five achievements left.
  2. Akamia

    Trans Athletes and Sports

    To elaborate further, seeing as my edit period has long passed: I’m absolutely disinterested in what some talking head has to say about the subject, regardless of what faction(s) they align with. Linking to the Quartering, to me, is like linking to some creationist’s blog when the topic is...
  3. Akamia

    Trans Athletes and Sports

    I don't think you understand; I do not trust The Quartering as a source on any level, and I'm not going to go through his channel to look for what I want. If you have a more primary source, maybe something he happens to be citing somewhere, that's fine, but The Quartering himself is not...
  4. Akamia

    Trans Athletes and Sports

    I would rather not sift through anything The Quartering is putting out. He's got a penchant for misogyny and a track record of complaining about any sort of female and queer representation in media. Normally I do not care about sports either, but my mother has a perception I find questionable...
  5. Akamia

    Trans Athletes and Sports

    So... For those not in the know, there is an ongoing battle, at the very least in the United States where I happen to live if not elsewhere, for trans athletes to compete in sports as the gender they identify with. The media here is rather focused on trans women and women's sports, and I do not...
  6. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    Started a Hardcore world on Minecraft Java Edition. Building a subterranean fortress for maximum survivability. I was reminded why most people don't build those; they're expensive and time-consuming. lol But y'know, I play the long game. My goal is to slay at least one Wither and the Ender...
  7. Akamia

    There is a God who cares about you all.

    Knowing LZ, probably. In which case, if he existed, him caring about you is not necessarily a good thing.
  8. Akamia

    Whatcha reading at the moment?

    I’m on a 6-book streak with BattleTech fiction. Presently on Hunting Grounds, with the five preceding books in the streak being: Redemption Rites Mercenary’s Honor Ideal War Wolves on the Border A Rock and a Hard Place I think Hunting Grounds is where I’m going to break the streak. I want to...
  9. Akamia

    Listening to Matt Dilahunty for the first time.

    Agreed, as with the rest of your comment, but I'm not sure this particular statement is relevant to anything Led said...
  10. Akamia

    Whatcha reading at the moment?

    I'm in the middle of Manhunt, by Gretchen Felker-Martin. It's a zombie apocalypse horror novel – at least, I think it's a novel; I don't know what the word count is, but it fits into 272 pages for what that's worth – that's, ah... a bit politically loaded, to put it very mildly. It's also very...
  11. Akamia

    Dunning-Kruger Effect Might Not Be Real

    https://www.mcgill.ca/oss/article/critical-thinking/dunning-kruger-effect-probably-not-real Thoughts? I know some circles I hang out in, including this one, like to lean on Dunning-Kruger a bit when it comes to talking to (or about) people who don't know as much about something as they think...
  12. Akamia

    The Oscars - a different ethical view, a different media angle

    I don’t think Chris Rock was wrong to make his joke. I don’t believe it was based in prejudice or anything like that. It seemed like a compliment. Did you watch G.I. Jane? I bet Mr. Rock did. If he didn’t, he at least knows what the movie was about; just enough to know that a comparison to the...
  13. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    Got Supreme Commander 2 on sale on Steam a few days ago. It’s my all-time favorite RTS game, though I last played it on consoles, which I swore off for that genre in particular ever since I played Red Alert 3 on PC. Now I can play SupCom 2 on PC as well! While I was an Illuminate player on Xbox...
  14. Akamia


    I might also recommend an airlock of sorts to verify any new users in the said server are actually human and not a spambot.
  15. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    Been playing Elite: Dangerous as well as MechWarrior Online lately. Doing pretty well for myself in the former. My partner likes ED well enough, but her first time in a combat scenario didn’t go over so well; some NPCs killed her bounty before she even got to shoot it, costing her the reward...
  16. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    Spent some time with a partner in Raft. The game was not at all what I was expecting; for some reason, I wasn’t expecting survival on a raft to be basically the entire game. lol Hoping to get into Elite: Dangerous in the near future. I need a new spaceship MMO to replace Star Trek Online, and...
  17. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    Yeah, I like to play chess. I tend to play correspondence on Chess.com or lichess, depending on my opponent’s preference.
  18. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    Well, I didn’t see sniper lights in MWO Faction Play, but I did see some highly optimized assault ‘Mechs whose pilots were exceptionally good at hitting my Incubus. lol Got some new ‘Mechs, though. The Summoner M is particularly awkward to play, but I like it. Very punchy.
  19. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    I haven’t actually played FP yet. As I mentioned before, the low player pop there interferes with getting matches. So I don’t know how bad things are right now aside from people just kind of not playing that. Solaris 7 has a similar issue; at least I was able to match a couple of times, there...
  20. Akamia

    What are you playing right now?

    That's entirely fair. I like to think Faction Play in MWO has more variety simply by virtue of respawns being a thing in that specific mode, meaning the objectives, whatever they may be, matter more than in Quick Play, which tends to devolve into every gametype becoming Skirmish in all but name...